When looking at places to do your show, start thinking outside the (black)box a little bit. For example, Chicago has many old, venerable theatres that at times were major hotspots back in the day to see theatre or movies. Many of closed down for some reason or another - unpaid taxes, owners trying to sell the place, etc. These types of locations are prime places for you to put up your show.
If you live somewhere like this, do your homework and find out who owns the place. It may be a bank or a real estate holding company. Heck, it might even be a private owner who's forgotten about it. See if you can make an appointment to check out the interior and the amenities that come with it. If it looks like it'll work with your budget, begin formulating your plan to bring the place back to life. There may be city ordinances, local politics, and a lot of money involved in doing so - just be prepared for it.
Assuming you've got this far, use this opportunity to engage the media with your story. The headline could read:
"Local Thespians Revive Glorius Theatre Long Forgotten"
Make up your own headline (and improve on mine). This will give you valuable press that you can use to promote your show and the fact you're taking on this theatre "renovation" project.
Last of all, if the theatre's got a marquee - USE IT! People love seeing their names/projects in lights! It just makes your entire effort that much more professional and formal.